Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sleeping Garden

We have had a long, cold winter in Bloomington this year. With all the snow and ice, we all can't help dreaming about warmer weather and the start of the garden. We moved to a new house last summer and so this will be the first year that this garden gets planted. Luckily we were able to get the beds and the fence built last year. We transplanted some asparagus and a few raspberries from our old house. The asparpargus is still 2 years away from harvest because the plants were only 1 year old. We also put 7 blueberry bushes in the ground during the summer of 2010, but after the drought, we had to replace one. The others seemed stressed, and so we will wait to see how they come back this year. Right now we are reading seed catalogs, planning to purchase a deep freezer for preserving the harvest and investing in an electric composter.